Sunday 12 November 2017

English Language Challenges

Wow! My experience learning English at university has been very similar to my classes in the school if we talk about chairs, but the big difference is the “blogs”. I never imagined that one day I must write every week different topics about my life (since experiences at the university to my holidays) and the worst part is when my partners read my words and comment :( (I’m very shameful).

Resultado de imagen para fotos de clases de inglesFor me write blogs is a very useful way of the language because permit express all of your ideas and also is very important because is common that the people can read in English but not many people know how write. In the beginning in English 3, write blogs with 180-200 words was very difficult and I remember that always I finished at last ones but now is more easier write even 250 words.  I know that my grammatic is not perfect but that is a great reason for continue realizing blogs.

Like I said, my grammatic is not perfect and that is because I’m still learning and apart of write, read books, magazines (between others) in English can help me to get better.  Also, I consider that see different Tv series in English show me pronunciation and how I can express my words.
In my job is very important talk a little of English because some people (visitors) don’t talk Spanish and I can give them the indications in their language.
Anyway know other languages is very important for one if you travel and most important for the culture.

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Summer Holidays

Like I said before, for me the summer holidays are the perfect time to relax our mind and enjoy the free time with your friends and family, maybe in the beach or in your own home. 

All summers I travel with my family and cousins to different places of Chile but in the last 2 holidays all of us travelled to the beach but every family in their own house. This situation was very funny because my cousins or I were going to the other home and we eaten all day and in the afternoon relaxing in the beach was the best plan.  

Well for these summer holidays I don’t have any plan but my family think in travel to Austral Road only if the time of vacations of each one coincides.  I hope very anxious this moment because this panorama is really beautiful and I dream with the “The Marble Chapels” and see the turquoise in the walls of the chapels.
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                                                           " Marble Chapels"

Avanzábamos con pasos cortos y en silencio

If this travel is not possible another option is go to Villarrica and one activity that I consider unique is trekking the volcano.  Maybe is difficult and require a good physical condition but the reward is the beautiful see at the top of volcano.   
     Also in Villarrica exist canopy in “Pino Huacho” with a distance of 2.3Km and a height of 115m.  Near this city in Coñaripe you have Terms with warm and healthy waters.

I need summer holidays after my first year in the university and all my meetings and responsibilities during the year. 

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Addiction: From Tea and Coffee to Drugs of Abuse

Always we see in the news different reports about drugs and many times the impact of this reports is because show many teenagers consuming marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy, LSD, between others.
For me the marijuana, for example, is not bad only if doesn't exist an abuse in their consume because everything in excess is harmful for the health.  Many people use the marijuana for medical purposes and prepare infusions, cake. 

Another people have an addiction with the alcohol and that in extreme cases have a negative effect in the comportment of the person  like  be more aggressive, less patient, and the sense of alert down notoriously. Is for the last reason that the people that consumed a lot of  alcohol don't should drive because is really imprudent and exist a big possibility to cause an accident.  Many people die every year run over for a alcoholic driver. In other cases the moderate consume of alcohol produce in the people happiness and with that a very pleasurable ambient. The people make jokes, talk about their life, take pictures and express many feelings. 
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 At last example can be the use of morphine. Always we listen the use of morphine in the health area but no many people know about the incorrect use of this. I remember when my sister had a grave
 surgery and pass many days in the clinic with morphine. In the beginning she didn't use that and   when the people came to see her, she says in form of joke " saw I push this bottom and give me a little of morphine" but  when the nurses note that, goes to the room intermediately and  really concerned for  that my sister apply morphine very often and she thinks that my sister had much pain. 
Obviously after that, the nursery established a exact quantity of morphine to my sister. 
 The problem with this is that other people use the morphine with no medical uses (or in excess if is used for the health) and how I said before "everything in excess is bad". 

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Post Graduate Studies

 For me the courses of Master Degree and PhD degree are really important because give us a chance for acquire new knowledge’s and perfect another’s. Also if you course any of these programs you will win a lot of experience and contact networks, which is very important today.  No matter the subject selected, have a Master Degree or PhD degree increases the possibility of be hired in a job and the pay.
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I would like study in other country but not for something specific, rather it’s because the development abroad is more than here in Chile.  This is for the innovation with new technologies for example, and also by the invested capital in the science in general.

If you ask me if I can study a distance, my answer would be… mmm yes, but I prefer a part-time course, in which I can assist personally to the class. Obviously the distance learning is not bad, you can make a lot of things from your house or desk and you save a lot of time lost in transport for one place to another.   I had never heard about “blended system” and all in all is a really good option for example if you don’t have the sufficient money to live in other country.

Well, the Master Degree and PhD degree are benefits for our experience and noticeably for the professional title. 

Monday 2 October 2017

My future job

When I was a child always thought in my future job. I wanted to be a chef, police, nutritionist, kinesiologist, teacher, and a lot of other jobs but I never imagined my future like a chemist.  Today in the university, I discovered that my dream is be a chemist. 

Resultado de imagen para quimica forenseOne time with my degree in hand, I would like work in the Police of Investigation but no like a police, I would love to be part of the analysing of different types of evidences like rests of blood, cloth, bullets, weapons, between others. Also another techniques can be footprint       analysis, drugs tests, search fingerprints, analysis of biological samples (urine, gastric contents) and hair.

In other words, I imagine my future job in any place relationated with the forensic chemistry because thanks of this part of the chemistry, the police and different organisms judicial can solve a crime.

Even though my future starts in Chile, I hope travel to other country but not only for meet new places, my goal is work in that place and realize my life. For this, it’s really necessary a good salary, maybe in the beginning could be very difficult but I’m sure with effort and perseverance everything is possible!

Always I say to my friends: “Follow your dreams and you will very happy”. 

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Old and New Hobbies

Many people have a lot of hobbies and know exactly which are, but for me that question is very difficult L

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One of my favourite hobbies is play a videogame called “The sims 2”.  During all my childhood I played this game with my sister (sometimes we played for hours) and today when I don’t have anything to do I play like a kid.  My sister plays with me only when she doesn’t work.
In this videogame you can create your own families and obviously, you have to care them.    I remember when I was a child I didn’t care my family and all of them died for hungry.

Another hobby is play “Dance central 3” in Xbox 360.  All weeks I play this because the game has good songs to dance and good choreographies.  Some people say it’s a good way to do exercise and I have to say that is true only if you play a long time.  Also, apart of this I dance hip-hop with a group of people and realize that makes me very happy.  The dance in general is my favourite hobby.

Resultado de imagen para prison breakFinally but not less important, I enjoy very much when I see different series like House of Cards, Prison Break, Criminal minds.  

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Our Amazing Human Body

I think that all of senses, substances, organs and systems are important in the life of human, but today I like to talk about the first.

The sight, the taste, the touch, hearing and the sense of smell. They are all of senses of the human being and for me, these characteristics are really essential in the life because thanks to them you can appreciate the world in a different way.

Sometimes, I don’t eat in different places to my house because I don’t like the smell or the appearance, and that thought is only for the sense of the sight and the smell.  I still try to eat and just in that moment appears the taste.  A lot of times I was surprised with the real taste of the food.

Maybe for other people the senses are not important but we can’t see this until we need them.  Many kids and adults don’t have the sense of hearing and in the beginning, the life it’s complicated because the people don’t worry about and are really individualistic.

With such a simple examples, we can see how the senses and the mind are really powerful and important in our decisions.

Remember always think in the other people, maybe you can help them !!!

Friday 1 September 2017

The Best Holidays

For me, the holidays are really special because it’s a time in which you can pass the time with your family, friends, meet new cultures and landscapes.

Definitely my best holiday was a month ago, when my family and I travel to Orlando, EE.UU.           The first day was very tired, because we lost the airplane in Atlanta and we had to wait many hours to take another flight to Orlando. One time in Orlando everything was different!
I visited Walt Disney world with their parks like Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios. The first park (Magic Kingdom) was really beautiful.  I met the classical characters of Disney, take many pictures in the castle of Cinderella and obviously we enjoyed the games of Star Wars, Pirates of Caribbean and many others.                                                                This place for me, was very special because remember all my childhood.

Also we visited Universal theme Parks and I never forget when we go to The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter. It’s really amazing how Hogwarts, the train and the station 9 ¾, Hogsmeade, Diagon Alley and all the things of Harry potter is the same of the movies
Volcano Bay is another park of universal but this is a Water Theme Park. I don’t have words to describe the experience. But  you can watch in this video:

The last days we visited the International Outlets of Orlando and we bought clothes, shoes, souvenirs, etc.
I have to say that 11 days are not sufficient to go around all the places  L

Don't forget that the Dreams come true.

Friday 30 June 2017

Your blogging experience

A few months ago, I never thought  that I had to create a blog and lees than I have to write every week. When the teacher said this, I couldn’t believe the new.

Today I think very different.  Write the blogs is an experience unique in which you can express your feels and thoughts and also, you must take advantage because is a tool for the ability to write in English. The themes are very interesting, for example when I had to write about “Why did you choose this career?”, “A photograph you like” or “The most enjoyable subject”.

I would like write about my family, friends or trips. These themes are very important in my life and I think that the people can write a lot of this. Like vacations, family walks, birthdays, etc.

Another thing that I like about the blogs is that you can aggregate a picture or video! For example when the theme was “A photograph you like” I add the picture of me and my dog.

Although I’m not an expert person writing the blogs, I believe that my writing skills have improved very much. Today is not very difficult write 150-200 words …. (I never thought that I could make this).

Maybe in the future I continue with this :) 

Friday 23 June 2017

From the invisible to the visible world and back...

Forensic chemistry is a Technic used in laboratories to analyze different samples and thus, arrive a conclusion of a crime.

This type of chemistry apply different techniques to discover the mystery like drugs test, fire sample analysis, footprint analysis, search fingerprints, detect blood, analysis of shot residues and bullets, documents forgery or analysis of biological samples (urine, blood or gastric contents) and hair.

I chose this because I think that is very important known the causes of  any problematic situation like a suicide, murder, stole or fraud. If we know the true about one of this acts, we have a great advantage in court, for example. Also in case of death we will be more calmer.

I met this type of chemistry when I was seven years old. I remember that I saw one episode 
of “CSI:Crime scene Investigation” and since that moment  I was interested in the subject. 
This year I visited the Legal Medical Service  and  I have to say, that is one job that I love.
The forensic chemistry is a one part of all chemistry and is important because thanks to the conclusions we can may justice. 

Sunday 11 June 2017

The most enjoyable subject...

One subject that I like very much is chemical laboratory techniques, I love the work in the lab 💕

I like this subject because I think that you can do a lot of things like size density,volume,titration, extract solids or liquids, also you can create solutions like potassium dichromate, oxalic acid and many others.

In all the semester, we can work alone and in pairs. For example the last week, we had to distillation orange extract and I realized that with my classmate Francisca, but another practices I made them alone.  

Classes are theoretical and practical; the first module is theoretical and the teacher teaches us different techniques and processes. Then we go to the laboratory and do what we learned. In my section, we are students of chemistry and engineering in food.
-> Potassium Dichromate.

This subject is very important in my career because teach us the basic procedures for the future in other laboratories like, general chemistry laboratory, laboratory I of organic chemistry, laboratory of inorganic chemistry, among others...

I hope to pass the course and continue learning different things!

Friday 2 June 2017

Who is a person/expert on your field that you admire?

I think that I don´t admire anyone but I have to say that Rosalind Franklin is a very good chemistry and I like very much.


Rosalind Franklin was a chemistry and crystallography. She was born in London on July 25 of 1920.
She was educated in private schools and then Rosalind studied in University of Cambridge where she graduated with second class honors. After that, she traveled to Paris and work in "Laboratorie de services Chimiques de L'Etat".
In this place she studied techniques of X ray.
After three years, she came back to Cambridge and she worked in "John Randall laboratory" of King's College.
Rosalind die one day of April (16) of 1958 because of cancer.

When she was work in John Randall laboratory, Franklin discover the double helix structure of DNA.  This fact was registered in a picture called photography 51.  Due to Rosalind and his discover, Watson y Crick established the hypothesis of double helix.

 I think that is a person very strong because she had to support segregation and discrimination for being woman.

Rosalind Franklin sacrificed her life for discover the secret of the life.

Friday 26 May 2017

My favourite book and film

In our entire life, we have seen many films and read many books.
 If you asking me what is my favorite book, the answer would be "Los Miserables". 

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I read that in 2015 for the college but previously I read that because mi sister recommended me the book. 
The history of Jean Valjean and Cossete is very different to other histories of a dad and his daughter. He adopted her when she was very young and raised her like his own child. Jean always was persecuted by Javert, and that success complicate the relationship of Jean and Cossete. They passed many difficult situations but always they were together. 
Also in this book you can understand the "French revolution"  with the history of Marius Pontmercy.
 I would say that "Los Miserables" is a book very completely because present different situations of the life of the people. I recommended anyway!! 💓 

Resultado de imagen para la decision mas dificilNow if you asking me about my favorite movie, I don't know what to say. It's a very difficult decision because I love movies like "High School Musical 2" , "Camino"," La decisión más difícil" and others.  But "La decisión más difícil" it's very important to me why remember me to my sister when she was very sick.That movie has a very emotional sense ;(.
The central theme is the emancipation of Anna Fitzgerald because her sister Kate had asked for that before she die. Kate had leukemia and his mother forced Anna to donate to her sister.
I recommended this film because it makes you reflect about how deal the life. 

I hope that one time read this, you can see/watch the movie and book that I describe!!.

Friday 19 May 2017

A photograph you like

When I was a child,  I always dream with have a dog but my mom and dad never accepted that idea :(
I had to wait sixteen years and in December 2015 mi mom arrived with a little dog and I was very h|appy. I called it Teo .

Teo & me 😎
That picture is one of my favorites because represent the happiness of my dog looking at me after a long time ( more than week).When I was arrived of missions it give me a lot of "kisses" and love.
  In one moment I said "oh, I will take a picture" and I realized that like a selfie, but it was very difficult because Teo didn't stop moving. It is very playful!

Another photograph is this:

My mom took this picture on November 24th 2016. That day it was my graduation and that moment was very emotional. I choose this photograph because appears my sister. We are very good friends. She is very important to me, she always helps me when I need.

Well, the most of my favorites pictures includes my family because is the most important in my life!💓💓💓

Thursday 4 May 2017

Music in My life

Many times we travel a long distances and that is very boring L but everything changes when we listen our favorite’s songs, artist, etc.

When I was 7, my I used to listen High School Musical.  Always remember and sing the song of Troy Bolton in HSM 2, that’s my favorite!! .  I’m a real fan of that movie and their songs.

With the pass of the time my pleasures being changing and I listen different bands like Pxndx, Tronic, Los bunkers, Shamanes, Café tacvba and many others. 

    Today I listen to that music beside to others such as Dread Mar- I,  Moral Distraída, Santa Feria and l can’t deny that I listen Ozuna and Bad bunny
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                                             (That's me admitting that listen ozuna and bad bunny)

My favorite song …. uhm that’s a very difficult question.  I think that can be “ El reloj cucu- Maná”  because reminds  me  of my grandfather  and I love him with all my heart

I think that the music many times is related with movies and my favorite combination is and will be always High School Musical 2. Yes, it’s true that is a movie for kids, but when I saw that film for first time I loved since 1st second.

Well like u can see, my pleasures are very different!!!.

Monday 1 May 2017

Your favourite piece of technology

¡Hi everybody, here we go again with a new blog!

In this blog, I'll tell you what is my favourite piece of technology. This decision is very difficult because I love technological objects.

Anyway, if I should decide one I choose my smartphone for one simple reason…. I have everything in that object!!

I had my first smartphone in 2012 and I was obsessed with facebook, whatsapp and many games until the time passed and I grew up. Today is very important because I have pictures, videos and memories that I love, also in the calendar I note important things like tests and meetings.
One advantage is having U-cursos in my smartphone. I can check e-mails, califications (L) and classrooms. Is very useful.

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In the morning, I wake up with the alarm, then listen to music and check the classroom, later when I go to home, I use moovit (is an application) and parallel to this I always use whatsapp and Instagram.

I use it all day!! (really, this is not a joke).

Anyway, if I should decide one I choose my smartphone for one simple reason…. I have everything in that object!!
I had my first smartphone in 2012 and I was obsessed with facebook, whatsapp and many games until the time passed and I grew up. Today my smartphone is very important because I have pictures, videos and memories that I love, also in the calendar I note important things like tests and meetings.

Friday 14 April 2017

Why did you choose your career?

When we have seventeen or eighteen years old, we have to choose what career will study in the future and that decision is pretty difficult because we are so young and immatures.

When I was a child (7-8 years old), I dreamed with became in a famous Dancer and go to the EE.UU , also I thought in study law, Medical Technology and  Nutrition but with the pass of the years I chose Chemistry because always I loved this science and is very entertaining.

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                                                                               One thing that I love to the Chemistry is the laboratories. You can create many things in this place and analyze a lot of samples. This is a one of the reasons by which I chose Chemistry.
 I'm very anxious to work in laboratories and discover new things.

Well, one time said eveything this, my experience at the Univeristy  has been very nice!.
This place is a great site where you can make a lot of friends and also you can  learn very much.  The people here is so friendly and gentile!!

I hope that everyone reach their dreams, success :)

Friday 7 April 2017

Getting to know each other

Hi! I'm Mayte Briones Salazar. This is my first blog and I would  like to tell you a little of me .
I was born in  Santiago, Chile and  I growing up in the same city with my dad Jorge, my mom Roxana and my sister called Yannina. But since Dec,2015 I have a new member in the family.
The new member is a little dog called Teo. It's so cute!!

 At present I study Chemistry in University of Chile since March,2017 but before I studied in "Liceo 1 Javiera Carrera" for six years!

My Favourite Hobby is Dance. In fact one of the best child  memories that I have is when I had 9 or 10 years and  I won a National Championship of Dance whit many friends and I remember that day because the happiness was part of me.

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I dream with someday travel to  Santorini, Grecia.
I love the infrastructure and the localization because this place it's localized by the Aegean Sea. Also I love the colours of the landscape

Well, this is a little part of me and I'm very happy for share this with you!