Wednesday 6 September 2017

Our Amazing Human Body

I think that all of senses, substances, organs and systems are important in the life of human, but today I like to talk about the first.

The sight, the taste, the touch, hearing and the sense of smell. They are all of senses of the human being and for me, these characteristics are really essential in the life because thanks to them you can appreciate the world in a different way.

Sometimes, I don’t eat in different places to my house because I don’t like the smell or the appearance, and that thought is only for the sense of the sight and the smell.  I still try to eat and just in that moment appears the taste.  A lot of times I was surprised with the real taste of the food.

Maybe for other people the senses are not important but we can’t see this until we need them.  Many kids and adults don’t have the sense of hearing and in the beginning, the life it’s complicated because the people don’t worry about and are really individualistic.

With such a simple examples, we can see how the senses and the mind are really powerful and important in our decisions.

Remember always think in the other people, maybe you can help them !!!


  1. amazing post!!! french fries are good too <3 <3

  2. The taste its my favorite sense, My dream is eat all ice creams flavors

  3. The sense of smell is the best one, except in winter :(

  4. The senses are such a great tool for the human being. There is no way that the development of the human race had come this far if it weren't for the senses and the amazing abilities that we have thanks to them.

  5. I think that the sense of hearing is very important since so you can preview the amazing sounds of nature, although that is not appreciated in the city :c
