Friday 19 May 2017

A photograph you like

When I was a child,  I always dream with have a dog but my mom and dad never accepted that idea :(
I had to wait sixteen years and in December 2015 mi mom arrived with a little dog and I was very h|appy. I called it Teo .

Teo & me 😎
That picture is one of my favorites because represent the happiness of my dog looking at me after a long time ( more than week).When I was arrived of missions it give me a lot of "kisses" and love.
  In one moment I said "oh, I will take a picture" and I realized that like a selfie, but it was very difficult because Teo didn't stop moving. It is very playful!

Another photograph is this:

My mom took this picture on November 24th 2016. That day it was my graduation and that moment was very emotional. I choose this photograph because appears my sister. We are very good friends. She is very important to me, she always helps me when I need.

Well, the most of my favorites pictures includes my family because is the most important in my life!💓💓💓


  1. You dog seems to be very cute!

  2. I know how hard can be take a picture with your pet, they never stay still!

  3. My mom hate cats, so just like you i did have to wait some years, now i'm happy too, love to the pets<3

  4. I'm sure that you and your sis look great!♥

  5. It's so hard to take photos with your pets :( My dog always moves when I want to take a picture! Want to make good memories costs T-T

  6. The dog seems very soft and cute

  7. you looks very beautiful 💓
