Friday 14 April 2017

Why did you choose your career?

When we have seventeen or eighteen years old, we have to choose what career will study in the future and that decision is pretty difficult because we are so young and immatures.

When I was a child (7-8 years old), I dreamed with became in a famous Dancer and go to the EE.UU , also I thought in study law, Medical Technology and  Nutrition but with the pass of the years I chose Chemistry because always I loved this science and is very entertaining.

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                                                                               One thing that I love to the Chemistry is the laboratories. You can create many things in this place and analyze a lot of samples. This is a one of the reasons by which I chose Chemistry.
 I'm very anxious to work in laboratories and discover new things.

Well, one time said eveything this, my experience at the Univeristy  has been very nice!.
This place is a great site where you can make a lot of friends and also you can  learn very much.  The people here is so friendly and gentile!!

I hope that everyone reach their dreams, success :)

1 comment:

  1. I know you will discover a looot of interesting things in laboratories! You will be such a good prefessional :)
    ps: I like the idea of you being a famous dancer jeje
