Friday 30 June 2017

Your blogging experience

A few months ago, I never thought  that I had to create a blog and lees than I have to write every week. When the teacher said this, I couldn’t believe the new.

Today I think very different.  Write the blogs is an experience unique in which you can express your feels and thoughts and also, you must take advantage because is a tool for the ability to write in English. The themes are very interesting, for example when I had to write about “Why did you choose this career?”, “A photograph you like” or “The most enjoyable subject”.

I would like write about my family, friends or trips. These themes are very important in my life and I think that the people can write a lot of this. Like vacations, family walks, birthdays, etc.

Another thing that I like about the blogs is that you can aggregate a picture or video! For example when the theme was “A photograph you like” I add the picture of me and my dog.

Although I’m not an expert person writing the blogs, I believe that my writing skills have improved very much. Today is not very difficult write 150-200 words …. (I never thought that I could make this).

Maybe in the future I continue with this :) 


  1. yes! you have to continue writing about you and Teo! and obviously about the people that you like

  2. The most important thing; IT CAN BE ANONYMOUS.

  3. i love that pictureeeee <3

  4. It was a good experience, and is so true! now we can express easy in blogs more than the first one...

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