Friday 2 June 2017

Who is a person/expert on your field that you admire?

I think that I don´t admire anyone but I have to say that Rosalind Franklin is a very good chemistry and I like very much.


Rosalind Franklin was a chemistry and crystallography. She was born in London on July 25 of 1920.
She was educated in private schools and then Rosalind studied in University of Cambridge where she graduated with second class honors. After that, she traveled to Paris and work in "Laboratorie de services Chimiques de L'Etat".
In this place she studied techniques of X ray.
After three years, she came back to Cambridge and she worked in "John Randall laboratory" of King's College.
Rosalind die one day of April (16) of 1958 because of cancer.

When she was work in John Randall laboratory, Franklin discover the double helix structure of DNA.  This fact was registered in a picture called photography 51.  Due to Rosalind and his discover, Watson y Crick established the hypothesis of double helix.

 I think that is a person very strong because she had to support segregation and discrimination for being woman.

Rosalind Franklin sacrificed her life for discover the secret of the life.