Friday 23 June 2017

From the invisible to the visible world and back...

Forensic chemistry is a Technic used in laboratories to analyze different samples and thus, arrive a conclusion of a crime.

This type of chemistry apply different techniques to discover the mystery like drugs test, fire sample analysis, footprint analysis, search fingerprints, detect blood, analysis of shot residues and bullets, documents forgery or analysis of biological samples (urine, blood or gastric contents) and hair.

I chose this because I think that is very important known the causes of  any problematic situation like a suicide, murder, stole or fraud. If we know the true about one of this acts, we have a great advantage in court, for example. Also in case of death we will be more calmer.

I met this type of chemistry when I was seven years old. I remember that I saw one episode 
of “CSI:Crime scene Investigation” and since that moment  I was interested in the subject. 
This year I visited the Legal Medical Service  and  I have to say, that is one job that I love.
The forensic chemistry is a one part of all chemistry and is important because thanks to the conclusions we can may justice. 


  1. It's very cool! I heard about this in the talk section of "the pharmaceutical chemist and his action" x'D
    It must be very interesting to work with it.

  2. when I was a child I also watched csi!! it rocks! And also liked a lot this job
