Sunday 11 June 2017

The most enjoyable subject...

One subject that I like very much is chemical laboratory techniques, I love the work in the lab 💕

I like this subject because I think that you can do a lot of things like size density,volume,titration, extract solids or liquids, also you can create solutions like potassium dichromate, oxalic acid and many others.

In all the semester, we can work alone and in pairs. For example the last week, we had to distillation orange extract and I realized that with my classmate Francisca, but another practices I made them alone.  

Classes are theoretical and practical; the first module is theoretical and the teacher teaches us different techniques and processes. Then we go to the laboratory and do what we learned. In my section, we are students of chemistry and engineering in food.
-> Potassium Dichromate.

This subject is very important in my career because teach us the basic procedures for the future in other laboratories like, general chemistry laboratory, laboratory I of organic chemistry, laboratory of inorganic chemistry, among others...

I hope to pass the course and continue learning different things!

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