Wednesday 11 October 2017

Addiction: From Tea and Coffee to Drugs of Abuse

Always we see in the news different reports about drugs and many times the impact of this reports is because show many teenagers consuming marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy, LSD, between others.
For me the marijuana, for example, is not bad only if doesn't exist an abuse in their consume because everything in excess is harmful for the health.  Many people use the marijuana for medical purposes and prepare infusions, cake. 

Another people have an addiction with the alcohol and that in extreme cases have a negative effect in the comportment of the person  like  be more aggressive, less patient, and the sense of alert down notoriously. Is for the last reason that the people that consumed a lot of  alcohol don't should drive because is really imprudent and exist a big possibility to cause an accident.  Many people die every year run over for a alcoholic driver. In other cases the moderate consume of alcohol produce in the people happiness and with that a very pleasurable ambient. The people make jokes, talk about their life, take pictures and express many feelings. 
Resultado de imagen para morfina

 At last example can be the use of morphine. Always we listen the use of morphine in the health area but no many people know about the incorrect use of this. I remember when my sister had a grave
 surgery and pass many days in the clinic with morphine. In the beginning she didn't use that and   when the people came to see her, she says in form of joke " saw I push this bottom and give me a little of morphine" but  when the nurses note that, goes to the room intermediately and  really concerned for  that my sister apply morphine very often and she thinks that my sister had much pain. 
Obviously after that, the nursery established a exact quantity of morphine to my sister. 
 The problem with this is that other people use the morphine with no medical uses (or in excess if is used for the health) and how I said before "everything in excess is bad".