Sunday 12 November 2017

English Language Challenges

Wow! My experience learning English at university has been very similar to my classes in the school if we talk about chairs, but the big difference is the “blogs”. I never imagined that one day I must write every week different topics about my life (since experiences at the university to my holidays) and the worst part is when my partners read my words and comment :( (I’m very shameful).

Resultado de imagen para fotos de clases de inglesFor me write blogs is a very useful way of the language because permit express all of your ideas and also is very important because is common that the people can read in English but not many people know how write. In the beginning in English 3, write blogs with 180-200 words was very difficult and I remember that always I finished at last ones but now is more easier write even 250 words.  I know that my grammatic is not perfect but that is a great reason for continue realizing blogs.

Like I said, my grammatic is not perfect and that is because I’m still learning and apart of write, read books, magazines (between others) in English can help me to get better.  Also, I consider that see different Tv series in English show me pronunciation and how I can express my words.
In my job is very important talk a little of English because some people (visitors) don’t talk Spanish and I can give them the indications in their language.
Anyway know other languages is very important for one if you travel and most important for the culture.

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