Friday 30 June 2017

Your blogging experience

A few months ago, I never thought  that I had to create a blog and lees than I have to write every week. When the teacher said this, I couldn’t believe the new.

Today I think very different.  Write the blogs is an experience unique in which you can express your feels and thoughts and also, you must take advantage because is a tool for the ability to write in English. The themes are very interesting, for example when I had to write about “Why did you choose this career?”, “A photograph you like” or “The most enjoyable subject”.

I would like write about my family, friends or trips. These themes are very important in my life and I think that the people can write a lot of this. Like vacations, family walks, birthdays, etc.

Another thing that I like about the blogs is that you can aggregate a picture or video! For example when the theme was “A photograph you like” I add the picture of me and my dog.

Although I’m not an expert person writing the blogs, I believe that my writing skills have improved very much. Today is not very difficult write 150-200 words …. (I never thought that I could make this).

Maybe in the future I continue with this :) 

Friday 23 June 2017

From the invisible to the visible world and back...

Forensic chemistry is a Technic used in laboratories to analyze different samples and thus, arrive a conclusion of a crime.

This type of chemistry apply different techniques to discover the mystery like drugs test, fire sample analysis, footprint analysis, search fingerprints, detect blood, analysis of shot residues and bullets, documents forgery or analysis of biological samples (urine, blood or gastric contents) and hair.

I chose this because I think that is very important known the causes of  any problematic situation like a suicide, murder, stole or fraud. If we know the true about one of this acts, we have a great advantage in court, for example. Also in case of death we will be more calmer.

I met this type of chemistry when I was seven years old. I remember that I saw one episode 
of “CSI:Crime scene Investigation” and since that moment  I was interested in the subject. 
This year I visited the Legal Medical Service  and  I have to say, that is one job that I love.
The forensic chemistry is a one part of all chemistry and is important because thanks to the conclusions we can may justice. 

Sunday 11 June 2017

The most enjoyable subject...

One subject that I like very much is chemical laboratory techniques, I love the work in the lab 💕

I like this subject because I think that you can do a lot of things like size density,volume,titration, extract solids or liquids, also you can create solutions like potassium dichromate, oxalic acid and many others.

In all the semester, we can work alone and in pairs. For example the last week, we had to distillation orange extract and I realized that with my classmate Francisca, but another practices I made them alone.  

Classes are theoretical and practical; the first module is theoretical and the teacher teaches us different techniques and processes. Then we go to the laboratory and do what we learned. In my section, we are students of chemistry and engineering in food.
-> Potassium Dichromate.

This subject is very important in my career because teach us the basic procedures for the future in other laboratories like, general chemistry laboratory, laboratory I of organic chemistry, laboratory of inorganic chemistry, among others...

I hope to pass the course and continue learning different things!

Friday 2 June 2017

Who is a person/expert on your field that you admire?

I think that I don´t admire anyone but I have to say that Rosalind Franklin is a very good chemistry and I like very much.


Rosalind Franklin was a chemistry and crystallography. She was born in London on July 25 of 1920.
She was educated in private schools and then Rosalind studied in University of Cambridge where she graduated with second class honors. After that, she traveled to Paris and work in "Laboratorie de services Chimiques de L'Etat".
In this place she studied techniques of X ray.
After three years, she came back to Cambridge and she worked in "John Randall laboratory" of King's College.
Rosalind die one day of April (16) of 1958 because of cancer.

When she was work in John Randall laboratory, Franklin discover the double helix structure of DNA.  This fact was registered in a picture called photography 51.  Due to Rosalind and his discover, Watson y Crick established the hypothesis of double helix.

 I think that is a person very strong because she had to support segregation and discrimination for being woman.

Rosalind Franklin sacrificed her life for discover the secret of the life.