Friday 26 May 2017

My favourite book and film

In our entire life, we have seen many films and read many books.
 If you asking me what is my favorite book, the answer would be "Los Miserables". 

Resultado de imagen para los miserables
I read that in 2015 for the college but previously I read that because mi sister recommended me the book. 
The history of Jean Valjean and Cossete is very different to other histories of a dad and his daughter. He adopted her when she was very young and raised her like his own child. Jean always was persecuted by Javert, and that success complicate the relationship of Jean and Cossete. They passed many difficult situations but always they were together. 
Also in this book you can understand the "French revolution"  with the history of Marius Pontmercy.
 I would say that "Los Miserables" is a book very completely because present different situations of the life of the people. I recommended anyway!! 💓 

Resultado de imagen para la decision mas dificilNow if you asking me about my favorite movie, I don't know what to say. It's a very difficult decision because I love movies like "High School Musical 2" , "Camino"," La decisión más difícil" and others.  But "La decisión más difícil" it's very important to me why remember me to my sister when she was very sick.That movie has a very emotional sense ;(.
The central theme is the emancipation of Anna Fitzgerald because her sister Kate had asked for that before she die. Kate had leukemia and his mother forced Anna to donate to her sister.
I recommended this film because it makes you reflect about how deal the life. 

I hope that one time read this, you can see/watch the movie and book that I describe!!.

Friday 19 May 2017

A photograph you like

When I was a child,  I always dream with have a dog but my mom and dad never accepted that idea :(
I had to wait sixteen years and in December 2015 mi mom arrived with a little dog and I was very h|appy. I called it Teo .

Teo & me 😎
That picture is one of my favorites because represent the happiness of my dog looking at me after a long time ( more than week).When I was arrived of missions it give me a lot of "kisses" and love.
  In one moment I said "oh, I will take a picture" and I realized that like a selfie, but it was very difficult because Teo didn't stop moving. It is very playful!

Another photograph is this:

My mom took this picture on November 24th 2016. That day it was my graduation and that moment was very emotional. I choose this photograph because appears my sister. We are very good friends. She is very important to me, she always helps me when I need.

Well, the most of my favorites pictures includes my family because is the most important in my life!💓💓💓

Thursday 4 May 2017

Music in My life

Many times we travel a long distances and that is very boring L but everything changes when we listen our favorite’s songs, artist, etc.

When I was 7, my I used to listen High School Musical.  Always remember and sing the song of Troy Bolton in HSM 2, that’s my favorite!! .  I’m a real fan of that movie and their songs.

With the pass of the time my pleasures being changing and I listen different bands like Pxndx, Tronic, Los bunkers, Shamanes, Café tacvba and many others. 

    Today I listen to that music beside to others such as Dread Mar- I,  Moral Distraída, Santa Feria and l can’t deny that I listen Ozuna and Bad bunny
Imagen relacionada
                                             (That's me admitting that listen ozuna and bad bunny)

My favorite song …. uhm that’s a very difficult question.  I think that can be “ El reloj cucu- Maná”  because reminds  me  of my grandfather  and I love him with all my heart

I think that the music many times is related with movies and my favorite combination is and will be always High School Musical 2. Yes, it’s true that is a movie for kids, but when I saw that film for first time I loved since 1st second.

Well like u can see, my pleasures are very different!!!.

Monday 1 May 2017

Your favourite piece of technology

¡Hi everybody, here we go again with a new blog!

In this blog, I'll tell you what is my favourite piece of technology. This decision is very difficult because I love technological objects.

Anyway, if I should decide one I choose my smartphone for one simple reason…. I have everything in that object!!

I had my first smartphone in 2012 and I was obsessed with facebook, whatsapp and many games until the time passed and I grew up. Today is very important because I have pictures, videos and memories that I love, also in the calendar I note important things like tests and meetings.
One advantage is having U-cursos in my smartphone. I can check e-mails, califications (L) and classrooms. Is very useful.

Resultado de imagen para mujer + iphone

In the morning, I wake up with the alarm, then listen to music and check the classroom, later when I go to home, I use moovit (is an application) and parallel to this I always use whatsapp and Instagram.

I use it all day!! (really, this is not a joke).

Anyway, if I should decide one I choose my smartphone for one simple reason…. I have everything in that object!!
I had my first smartphone in 2012 and I was obsessed with facebook, whatsapp and many games until the time passed and I grew up. Today my smartphone is very important because I have pictures, videos and memories that I love, also in the calendar I note important things like tests and meetings.